Ukrainians crowd a list of charities where foreigners can donate during one of the worst geopolitical storms in decades.

The situation in Ukraine and the requirements of residents in the country and neighboring territories are constantly changing. We'll keep this list updated as new opportunities for Global Citizens to help emerge in the following days and weeks.
On February 24, the world came to a halt when word broke that Russia had invaded Ukraine. Global Citizen issued a statement condemning Russia's attack on Ukraine and called for an immediate halt to any military action, as well as continued support for humanitarian relief as the war progresses.
Global Citizen has compiled a list of activities you can do from wherever you are to help the people of Ukraine.
Who Will Be Affected the Most?
According to UN estimates, the Ukraine crisis will affect 1.5 million people in 2021; half are children and minors. Women, children, marginalized populations, and the impoverished will be the most brutal hit in any crisis. Parents in Ukraine are already taking terrible precautions to protect their children, such as sending them to school with blood type stickers to identify them in the event of bombs.
During this crisis, Black people, primary migrants, have reported encountering racism at the border while fleeing the country. Footage of passengers being prevented from boarding trains has gone viral, and there have been alarming accusations that police prefer white Ukrainians crossing the border over black ones.
What can I do to aid?
While many of us may feel powerless in the face of such geopolitical maneuverings, we've compiled a list of ways you can support the people of Ukraine right now.
Medical and humanitarian aid is being provided by organizations on the ground and around the world to individuals in Ukraine and refugees seeking safety abroad.
These are some of the organizations:
Individuals in Need On the ground, approximately 200,000 people are receiving humanitarian help. They provide food packages, emergency shelter, safe drinking water, hygiene supplies, and coal for warmth to individuals in need. Donate here
2. The Ukrainian Red Cross is involved in various humanitarian efforts, including assisting refugees and educating doctors. Donate here.
3. The International Medical Corps is on the ground and ready to assist individuals with emergency medical care and mental health and psychological assistance. The agency is also prioritizing COVID-19 awareness and prevention programs to keep displaced individuals safe from the epidemic during the crisis.
4. CARE International is reacting to the crisis by giving food, hygiene kits, psychosocial support services, water access, and cash to Ukrainians in need. Donate here.
5. Nova Ukraine is a non-profit organization that sends charity packages to Ukraine, including baby food and hygiene products to clothing and household items.
6. UNICEF is restoring bombed-out schools and giving emergency assistance to children affected by the war.
7. The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, has increased its operations and is working with governments in surrounding countries "to maintain borders open to individuals seeking safety and shelter." Donate here to support the UNHCR's work with refugees and take action here to send a tweet encouraging governments and corporations to support the UN's urgent plea for $1.7 billion to provide life-saving humanitarian assistance.
8. On the ground, OutRight Action assists LGBTQ+ organizations and organizations in establishing shelters and ensuring citizen safety. Every penny donated to OutRight goes straight to the cause.
9. You can also donate to the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP). The organization constantly deploys emergency operations in Ukraine and neighboring countries to offer food aid to refugees escaping the fighting.
10. Save the Children is collaborating with other organizations to respond to the immediate needs of affected children and their families. They deliver lifesaving aid such as food, water, cash transfers, and safe havens for children as people flee frigid temperatures and harsh conditions and scale up operations to guarantee that children are affected by the crisis receive the help they require.
11. Mercy Corps sends a team to the region to examine where assistance is most needed. It expects to provide emergency cash assistance and support local groups that are best acquainted with the needs of their communities. Mercy Corps delivered humanitarian aid in eastern Ukraine between 2015 and 2017, reaching almost 200,000 individuals with emergency cash, food, water, and sanitation supplies, small business development incentives, and the restoration of war-damaged homes, among other things.
12. Medical Teams International is holding a fundraiser to deliver medical supplies to the region, with 100% of the proceeds providing medicines and medical supplies. Here's where you can learn more and donate here.
· Participate in a Peace Protest
You can find a peaceful protest to join near you. Protests are taking place across the globe, from London to Tokyo. You might not have the means to donate to the cause, but you can instead donate your time and join demonstrators in your locale.
· Get Involved with Global Citizen
In a few crucial ways, you can join Global Citizen in acting. The first is to express sympathy with Ukraine and its people by sending a tweet emphasizing the need to #StandWithUkraine and choose peace over violence. Act here.
You may also join us in urging EU ministers to agree to an emergency statute that would provide temporary protection to individuals compelled to evacuate Ukraine. The European Union's ministers will convene on March 3. Send them an urgent tweet requesting that they support the emergency law.
Finally, the United Nations (UN) has launched an emergency appeal for $1.7 billion to provide life-saving humanitarian assistance. You can send an urgent tweet supporting the UN plea, encouraging governments and corporations to help Ukraine's people. Act here.
