Volunteering for the elderly is important, and contrary to popular belief, it is not as difficult as you may think it is. The elderly residents of the United States are ones that have served their lives building up the economy. To the elderly community, you helping them and volunteering for their betterment is important.
Volunteering with the geriatric population is becoming increasingly essential. Volunteering with the elderly can have an immense impact on your and more importantly, their lives. It can help change you as person, and make you a better human being. It can also help you develop tolerance, patience, and communication skills.
Senior face many challenges brought on by the aging process -- from physical limitations to changes in cognitive function. But they also still have a lot to share. Volunteering with older adults offers a critical opportunity to learn while making a valuable personal connection.
A Humanitarian Effort
Unfortunately, the elderly population has become one that many people tend to forget about. Everyone has a friend or a family that is of the geriatric age. Once they are put inside care centers, many individuals of the elderly age have freedoms taken away from them. Some even lose their ability to exercise their basic freedoms.
In other words, their lives drastically change at a certain age, and there is no one but the aging process to blame for it. In this instance, well and able individuals must take a stance and help revive the older people’s freedom by helping them. Keep in mind that the face-to-face interactions you will provide the elderly might be the only interaction they get in a day.
To some individuals, volunteer work can be vital. For instance, it may be their way of completing daily basic activities.
Feel-good Factor
Whether you help take the elderly out for shopping or simply sit and communicate with them, spending quality time with the elderly is very rewarding. It can have an incredible impact on your mood and set you up for a great day ahead.
You become a source of happiness for yourself and the elderly. Elderly individuals are often very depressed due to being away from their families and the growing physical pains with age.
The lack of social interaction is partially to blame for their depression in care centers. You, as a volunteer, can elevate their experience inside care centers and help them counter their depression simply by giving them your time. According to studies, the neurological changes as you age make you prone to depression, and seclusion elevates it.
It does not take much!
Giving the elderly time does not mean that you have to be burdened with any demanding task. You can change their lives simply by doing the smallest of tasks. For instance, you can simply talk to them for a while. Additionally, you may even cheer them up by regularly playing a board game. At the end of day, all the elderly want is to be cared for.
Thus, even a couple of minutes of your time can have a lasting impact on their lives. So, even the smallest things that can put a smile on their face can be immense. This can involve playing music, reading a book, and telling a few jokes. If you can do either of these things, you have what it takes to volunteer for the elderly.
Make Lives Better
If nothing is done, the elderly will keep living in conditions similar to solitary confinement. This does not have to be how things should be. Life changes such as the loss of independence and social interaction are the worst things that can happen to an individual. Fortunately, you can be the difference and have a strong impact on their lives.
Volunteering for the elderly will not seem like work once you see how happy they truly are. Experiencing this gratitude results in anan incredible feeling within you that you cannot comprehend. It is time that you give back to the elderly, and be grateful for being healthy young adults. Volunteering is a gift that you as an individual can give to the less fortunate.
Build Transferable Skills
Skills refer to the abilities that you develop through practice. Volunteering with the elderly will allow you the chance to develop transferable skills. You must have these skills regardless of what endeavor you choose to accomplish.
These skills include organization, communication, problem solving, teamwork, leadership, patience, emotional intelligence, and creative thinking. These are just some of the essential skills you can develop while doing volunteer work.
Improve Your Resume
If you have never volunteered before, this opportunity will be a great addition to your resume. Adding volunteer experience to your CV can help you increase your odds of landing your desired job. Recruiters value volunteer work on CVs, and they welcome it with open arms when judging your credibility as a worker.
Keep in mind that soft skills, such as emotional intelligence and empathy, are in high demand in the recruiter market. Your experience as a volunteer will be proof that you possess those qualities. Additionally, volunteering with the elderly will also provide the necessary work experience for someone who is new to the market.
Increase Knowledge and Wisdom
Sitting down and having a meaningful conversation with an elderly exposes you to an entire host of valuable insights and knowledge. It is also worth remembering that their knowledge and insight can be very meaningful and effective.
If you are in search of wisdom, and looking for advice over life decisions, then volunteering with the elderly can help you t. Not only that, you can sit down and listen to their life stories and experiences. This way, you can learn from their mistakes and apply the lessons in your own lives for betterment.